There are many hidden treasures in the monasteries and churches in Skiathos, with their unique architecture and the strong religious feeling that emanates from them.

The Monastery of Evangelistria sits in a prominent position and is the spiritual symbol of the island. It is located beneath Karaflitzanaka, the highest peak on Skiathos embraced by the Lechouni stream. Lost amidst the greenery and the flowers, which the monks tend, it is 4.5km north of town if you take the periphery road.

In 1807 Nikotsaras, one of the greatest leaders of the Kleftes (anti- Ottoman rebels) from Thessaly, took refuge in the monastery which acted as a catalyst for the formation of the religious education and spirituality of the inhabitants of the island. Together with another famous captain, Giannis Stathas, and their pirate fleet, they maintained a base of operations in Skiathos.

These two in collaboration with the Holy Abbot Niphon, designed, wove, and raised the first Greek flag with a white cross on a blue background, as we know it today. This flag was blessed in September 1807 in the presence of Theodoros Kolokotronis, a general, who was one of the prominent characters in the Greek War of Independence.

Today the monastery houses three museums: that of the Sacred Relics, in which are kept many valuable sacred vessels and objects, the Folklore Collection, and a collection related to the Balkan Struggles donated by Andreas Potamianos.

The catholicon (the monastery church) is a cross-in-square with dome, with traces of wall painting dating to the 18th century and a carved wooden iconostasis (the screen which divides the congregation from the altar, usually of carved, painted, or gilded wood in which icons are placed) of exceptional beauty.

In recent years a model vineyard has been established to produce the famous Alypiakos Oinos, a wine which used to be made years ago and was mentioned by Alexandros Papadiamantis in his stories.

The next stop, on the other side of the island, is the Monastery of Panagia Eikonistria or Kounistra. It is located 13km to the west of Chora at the 2km mark on the road which leads to Aselinos beach. It is a sacred place for the island. According to tradition, the icon of Panagia (Virgin Mary) was found here in 1650 by Symeon, a local ascetic.

The Panagia is the local patron saint of Skiathos and is celebrated two times a year. The catholicon of the monastery is a single-aisle basilica with a dome built in the 17th century. The carved and gilded wooden iconostasis of the monastery is impressive as are exceptional wall paintings depicting the life of Christ and the saints dating to 1741 and 1805. The monastery of Agios Ioannis with its equally amazing wall paintings is located nearby. It was built in 1726 and is located on the other side of the mountain of Kounistra, in a verdant location.

Two kilometers to the north of Evangelistria, in the area of Kakorema, on Lechouni beach and roughly 5km from the center of Chora is the monastery of Agios Charalambos. The writer Alexandros Moraitidis became a monk here during the last years of his life under the name Andronikos. Every year on February 9-10th local residents visit the monastery to honor the Saint.

In the idyllic and almost completely isolated valley, thick with olive trees and pines, overlooking one of the loveliest beaches on Skiathos, Kechria is Panagia Kechria.

The catholicon of the monastery is still in its original form and belongs to the type with a small single-aisled domes nave with side apses. Of particular interest is the carved wooden iconostasis which is dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin.