The gastronomic delights of the island always were and continue to be special. In the past, fishermen exchanged the treasures of the sea for the farmers’ vegetables and oil. This bartering created a fragrant cuisine based on seafood and “Horta” (wild greens).

Fish stew (dentex, white grouper, and monkfish), fava (puree of yellow split peas) with sardines, “Tsoflia” (as the locals call crayfish and lobster) with courgettes, and “Horta”. from the mountains. Chard, sow thistle, chervil, innumerable wild greens are married magically with seafood, highlighting the aromas of the place.

The area around Lalaria and around the islets, at Tsougrias or Kastro are spots that are considered good for fishing. Laid out in crates against the boats, pelagic fish for soups and grilling, bottom feeders for frying, squid, crayfish, prawns, lobster, cockles, and mussels shimmer in the early light.

They are cooked in a variety of ways: we can enjoy squid with “Horta” and onions, crayfish with courgettes and tomatoes, lobster with “Horta”. Seafood is accompanied with vegetables and “Horta”, with legumes and different sauces, each one special thanks to the herbs added, most frequently fennel which grows abundantly on the island.
Wild “Horta” is also very tasty and goes well with seafood.

The “aspro” is a traditional dessert made with finely chopped almonds, sugar syrup, and lemon. Traditionally a homemade walnut or cherry liqueur is served at festivals on Skiathos. The Women Association prepares these and other fruit and botanical liqueurs, such as the aromatic rose geranium, in the traditional manner by leaving them for 40 days in the sun.

Sweets served at weddings include the famous “hamalia”, which is a mixture of walnuts and local pine honey, which is wrapped in filo pastry, fried, and then dusted with icing sugar. Another classic choice is “kidonopasta” (quince paste).

Wine tasting with high-quality wine in which the “roditis” and “malagouzia” grapes dominate, will complement your gastronomic experiences.